• Programme
Under the theme of

Partnerships for a Blue Economy and Sustainable Intra-African Trade

A. From Sea to Plate: Governance, Sustainability, and Innovation

1 - Improving Fisheries and Aquaculture Governance for a Sustainable Future in Africa
  • Discussion on best practices for sustainable fisheries resource management in Africa.
  • Establishing responsible fishing policies and regional governance strategies for marine resources.
2 - Innovation and Scientific Research for Fisheries Product Transformation
  • Discussion on best practices for sustainable fisheries resource management in Africa.
  • Establishing responsible fishing policies and regional governance strategies for marine resources.
3 - How to Develop Innovative and Sustainable Processing Technologies
  • Focus on the use of green energy, artificial intelligence, and information technologies in seafood processing.
  • Case studies on the adoption of these technologies in Africa.
4 - Inclusion and Sustainability in the Fisheries Value Chain
  • Strategies to ensure the inclusion of local communities, women, and youth throughout the value chain.
  • Examples of successful projects that have integrated these actors into sustainable economic models.

B - Accelerating Intra-African Trade and Public-Private Partnerships

1 - Boosting Intra-African Fish Trade through Regional Integration
  • The crucial role of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in facilitating intra-regional fish trade.
  • Improving trade infrastructures, cold chains, and distribution networks across Africa.
2 - Public-Private Partnerships for a Dynamic Blue Economy in Africa
  • Identifying strategic partnerships for the development of the fish and aquaculture industry.
  • Highlighting successful collaborations between the public, private sector, and civil society.
3 - Encouraging Investments and Financing in the Fisheries Sector
  • Creating a conducive environment for investments in the fisheries and aquaculture industry.
  • Opportunities and challenges related to financing aquaculture and processing projects through public-private partnerships.
4 - The Role of the WTO and AfCFTA in Promoting Sustainable Trade
  • How international agreements, such as the WTO’s fisheries subsidies agreement, can support the sustainability of African fisheries.
  • Practical workshops on implementing these agreements to maximize benefits for African countries.

C - Developing Aquaculture: Innovation, Technology, and Sustainability

1 - Aquaculture: A Pillar of the Blue Economy in Africa
  • Presentation of current and future trends in aquaculture in Africa.
  • Discussion on how to make aquaculture more resilient to climate and economic challenges..
2 - Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Aquaculture
  • Demonstrations of new technologies for fish and seafood farming, using sustainable and efficient systems.
  • The role of research and development in improving aquaculture practices.
3 - Encouraging Investments and Financing in the Fisheries Sector
  • Creating a conducive environment for investments in the fisheries and aquaculture industry.
  • Opportunities and challenges related to financing aquaculture and processing projects through public-private partnerships.
4 - Technology Transfer and Capacity Building in Aquaculture
  • The role of African research centers and universities, particularly those supported by ATLAFCO, in technology transfer and capacity building.
  • Examples of successful collaborations between African and international researchers to improve aquaculture techniques.
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Monsieur Mohamed Sadiki

Ministre de l’Agriculture, de la Pêche maritime du Développement rural et des Eaux et Forêts


Président de la Fédération Nationale des Industries de transformation et de valorisation des produits de la Pêche (FENIP)

Monsieur Ryad MEZZOUR

Ministre de l'industrie et du commerce du Maroc


President du Comite Scientifique

Okonkwo Brn

Presidente Association NTOA, Nigeria

Eshete Dejene

Senior Fisheries and Aquaculture Officer

SidAhmed Abeid

Président FNP section pêche artisanale et côtière

Allassane DIENG

Président GAIPES

Joseph Shifaraw Mamo

Senior Fisheries and aquaculture Officer

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